TFZP for 2015-09-29: Go See the Greeks

Here we go again – another episode of the Flaming Zonkey podcast. As a special feature this week, we’ve included the following (presented in easy to consume bullet point form):

  • Pressing questions about spicy foods and, uh, adult activities
  • Discussions on foods like the Volcano Quesarito, Slingers, Kolaches and Cookie Crisp
  • Video games like Ori, Pillars of Eternity, Diablo 3 and Legend of Grimrock
  • Pinball, pinball, pinball! Fixing, playing, recording and more!
  • A custom rendition of Private Dancer!
  • What to do if you’re cursed to hold a dildo for the rest of your life.

I know you’re excited. Don’t wait – listen now!

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