Child of Light: Save Game Location

Child of light was just released on the PC, but it doesn’t support multiple save games. If you’re like me and sometimes like to experiment with different builds early on in a game, that’d mean completely starting over every time you want to try something new. I haven’t done a lot of testing with this yet, but it should be possible to make copies of your save and then delete/rename the original one. You can find your save at (this comes from a Windows 8.1 system):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\b740dc95-ea0a-4c83-b6b3-ed8c630f8b35\609
A few things to note – I don’t know what the GUID part is (that’s the b740dc95-ea0a-4c83-b6b3-ed8c630f8b35) – it’s likely that there’s one of those per user on the Windows box. 609 is probably the “Game ID” in Uplay. When you go to look up your saves, you’ll probably have a different GUID, but the 609 will probably be the same.
i am using window 7 and there is no Savegames folder, that’s why i can’t find the savegame 🙁
do anyone have other solutions?
I have the same problem. There’s no such save folder on my Ubisoft Game Launcher folder.
Not sure why you wouldn’t have a savegames folder. Any chance you installed UPlay somewhere else? The C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\ part would really just be the install directory of UPlay. Maybe check c:\Program Files\Ubisoft… (Program Files without the x86 part)?
I don’t even have Ubisoft Installed
Indeed you are correct, the 609 is the game and the guid is different, saved me some hard searching, tnx 😉
yeah.. there is no savegames folder in the ubisoft game launcher folder.
what a moronic post.
Based on a post I found over on the Steam forums, it looks like sometimes this folder can be deleted (because of a bug) when Uplay is updated and/or due to a buggy cloud save implementation in Uplay. Sorry that the folder isn’t there for you 🙁
Here’s the post on Steam, for what it’s worth:
Try searching in C:\ProgramData\Orbit\611\
Mine was there, hope it helps 🙂
Thank you
Thank man that was really a help
that was great advice
” C:\ProgramData\Orbit\611\ ” noted… thats the game save file….. looks complicated.. you can enter also some cheats there :p
this one is effective
Child of light save game location in : c:\programdata\661 , “programdata” is invisable folder , just type their name on drirection bar on explorer.
Puede estar en ” C:\Users\ programdata \steam” solo copea esa carpeta. Ahí están los savegame de cada juego steam que tengas. Yo tengo tambien el King Of Figther XIII y el savegame está ahi junto con Child of Light.
I did indeed get it from the orbit/611 file. Now, can someone guide me through reinstating a savegame when I move files over to my new computer? I’d like to pick up from where I left off, but I don’t know how to “plug it back in.” Thanks in advance.