TFZP #232: Double-Edging Sword

Wobbly had an anniversary trip, where he did some time travel and used a double-edging sword to perform the reverse wobbly on a ladder. Do I need to say more? Yes? How More »

TFZP #231: What’s in Berz’ Fridge?

This podcast is (almost) entirely about what may or may not be in Berz’ fridge. I guess there’s books and games as well, but let’s focus on Berz’ fridge because that’s fun! More »

TFZP #230: I Think it’s Called a Moon Rainbow

2 of the 4 Zonkeys are back from vacation, and boy are their shins and knees beat up! Hear tales of Hawaii and lake adventures, ripped shorts, drunken walks home, doggie diarrhea, More »

TFZP #229: Clock Time with the Zonkeys

Do you want to enjoy several minutes of clock talk? I hope so, because you’re going to get to if you listen to this episode. There’s also talk of pinball, pellet grills More »

TFZP #228: Eating is Both Taste and Smell

There’s E3 news in this week’s’ podcast, but more importantly there’s discussion about the best types of apples (with and without salt), books, wifi trials and tribulations, painting skeletons, proper washing technique More »


TFZP for 2014-11-04: A Trip Down the Alaskan Pipeline

There’s a huge surprise in this episode of The Flaming Zonkey Podcast – Meorrow read a book! In other surpising revelations, Wobbly played some Oculus, Drae played some Titanfall and Berz is cranky. We also eat some deer sausage and deal with an unruly genie (and more) on this week’s incredible episode of The Flaming Zonkey Podcast!

TFZP for 2014-10-28: An In Depth Analysis of the American Education System

In this episode of the Flaming Zonkey podcast we talk about being naked on Twitch, fine literature, Apple Pay’s almost comical competitor CurrentC, homework and Common Core! For video game talk, there’s dungeon crawling, pirates and zombies in space, more Borderlands and Berz takes a trip down some river from some fantasy world while dressed like a dwarf or something. It’s 100% excitement on this week’s Flaming Zonkey Podcast!

TFZP for 2014-10-21: A Worldwide Wave Made of Morning Wood

Boy oh boy, where to start? Meat Boy 2? Playing Guacamelee with a 5 year old? Pizza Slapping? Cheetos? PUSS PUSS PLATYPUSS? Pop Music? There’s nothing to do but listen along as we discuss all those things and some more! Also, there’s an e-mail and fan art and Berz is cranky and oculus talk and… I’m overloaded with excitement!

TFZP for 2014-10-14: Eating Urkel-O’s While Crossing The Line

We made another podcast for you, and you’re going to LOVE it. Underpants without a hole for your ding ding? Check. Playing games that aren’t Diablo 3? Check. Eating URKEL-O’S. CHECK CHECK CHECK! There’s also mention of breakfast burritos, Dogecoin, more video games than you can shake a dong at and an incredibly long story by Wobbly that goes absolutely nowhere. Don’t miss out!

TFZP for 2014-10-07: Strawberry Rum Job

DRAELOR IS BACK! On this week’s exciting episode of The Flaming Zonkey Podcast, you’ll hear awesome stories that include Lord of the Rings lore, the lack of self preservation, matadors, Metal Gear, lip sync battles, replicators vs. teleporters and a little too much discussion of balls (yes, that kind of balls). There’s video games, too! Join in the fun!

TFZP for 2014-09-30: Wherein We Discover That We Really Need Draelor

Draelor is out sick this week. We *thought* that would mean a shorter podcast. Instead, we rambled on for 3+ hours due to the lack of direction and focus that Draelor apparently provides. What do we ramble about? Farts, musical inspirations, lines at the Apple Store (again), an iOS 8 inspired game and more! Draelor, please come back next week. Seriously. We need you.

TFZP for 2014-09-23: Tickling the Merkin

Merkins. An Oculus party nearly ruined by children. Taking shots of root beer while running a 5k and then eating a sausage and cheese biscuit. Merkins. Playing guitar to impress your spouse. Standing in line for Wii’s, Xboxes and iPhones. Merkins. This is probably the best episode of the podcast we’ll ever produce. Don’t miss it!

TFZP for 2014-09-16: The Cream Will Rise to the Top

Do you like professional wrestling? Do you like My Little Pony? Do you like Lord of the Rings lore? Most importantly, do you like VIDEO GAMES?!?! If you answered yes to any of those questions, or if you want to hear Berzerker end the fight of the week in record time, you NEED to check out this episode of the Flaming Zonkey Podcast! OOOOHHHH YEEEEAAAAH!!!

TFZP for 2014-09-09: Christmas in September

This week we endure a nasty breakup by brining in some early Christmas cheer. We also talk about sitcoms, horse races, unavailable burgers and Apple devices. Oh, and video games, too! Did I mention that there’s a glitter of carnies involved? Seriously – I don’t even know how we survived this one.

TFZP for 2014-09-02: HOT MAN TIME!!!

I know you won’t believe this, but the whole podcast recorded this week! You get almost 3 hours of video games, Draelor’s BBQ and Hot Man Time, the Oculus, E-mails, Firefighters vs. Chemical Engineers and the Muppets (and more). Yay for things working as expected!