TFZP #232: Double-Edging Sword

Wobbly had an anniversary trip, where he did some time travel and used a double-edging sword to perform the reverse wobbly on a ladder. Do I need to say more? Yes? How More »

TFZP #231: What’s in Berz’ Fridge?

This podcast is (almost) entirely about what may or may not be in Berz’ fridge. I guess there’s books and games as well, but let’s focus on Berz’ fridge because that’s fun! More »

TFZP #230: I Think it’s Called a Moon Rainbow

2 of the 4 Zonkeys are back from vacation, and boy are their shins and knees beat up! Hear tales of Hawaii and lake adventures, ripped shorts, drunken walks home, doggie diarrhea, More »

TFZP #229: Clock Time with the Zonkeys

Do you want to enjoy several minutes of clock talk? I hope so, because you’re going to get to if you listen to this episode. There’s also talk of pinball, pellet grills More »

TFZP #228: Eating is Both Taste and Smell

There’s E3 news in this week’s’ podcast, but more importantly there’s discussion about the best types of apples (with and without salt), books, wifi trials and tribulations, painting skeletons, proper washing technique More »


Watch_Dogs: Chess Survival Challenge 2 Guide

The second chess survival puzzle in Watch_Dogs is your single king against the AI’s four bishops and one king. You’ll need to make five moves to get three stars. Read on for my strategy.

Watch_Dogs: Chess Survival Challenge 1 Guide

One of the many side activities in Watch_Dogs involves chess. There’s even a few different kinds of chess challenges. The first one I ran into was the Survival challenge. Read on for my strategy.

Transistor: How to Complete Speed Test 1

The speed tests in Transistor are some of the trickier parts of the game. So much so that they inspired me to write up a topic for each of them! Here’s my strategy for Speed Test 1

Transistor: Practice Room Damage Achievements

Here’s a quick video I threw together showing how I got the two Practice Room damage achievements (Anything() and Everything()) during my first playthrough – no crazy memory requirements or duplicate functions needed!

I want to pirate Watch_Dogs

As I write this, it’s almost 7PM on the Sunday before Memorial Day here in the US. Watch_Dogs will be released in less than two days. I don’t have a huge interest in the game to be honest, but this whole weekend I’ve had the strangest desire to pirate it.

Transistor: How to capture with Dxtory

I use Dxtory to capture my game footage on PC, but it didn’t seem to work with Transistor. Turns out this is a bug in Dxtory as confirmed by the developer…

Dark Souls 2: How To Invade

I’ve had a number of people ask me how to invade other worlds in Dark Souls 2 – here’s a very quick version of how to do it.

Child of Light: Oculi Crafting and Effects Guide

Child of Light has a crafting system based on combining different types of oculi to create either more powerful versions of the same type, or to create entirely new types of oculi. This guide will walk you through all possible combinations, including all of the various stats for each type.

Child of Light: Save Game Location

Child of light was just released on the PC, but it doesn’t support multiple save games. If you’re like me and sometimes like to experiment with different builds early on in a game, that’d mean completely starting over every time you want to try something new. I haven’t done a lot of testing with this yet, but it should be possible to make copies of your save and then delete/rename the original one. You can find your save at (this comes from a Windows 8.1 system): 

Dark Souls 2: Master of Sorcery Achievement/Trophy Guide

There are four “schools” of magic in Dark Souls 2. If you want to get all the achievements, you’ll have to collect every single spell from every single school. Read on to see the list of all the Sorceries in Dark Souls 2 and where to get each of them.