Tag Archives: Dungeon Defenders
Dungeon Defenders 2: First Defense Council Run
Co-Awesome: Dungeon Defenders

I have a 4 year old son and an 8 year old daughter at the time of this writing. While my daughter will occasionally play a video game, my son is like a mini-me – he’d play video games 100% of the time if we’d let him. He likes to play on the iPad and he’ll play the occasional Castle Crashers on the Xbox by himself, but what he *really* loves is playing coop games with me.
It’s a neverending struggle to find games that he can play himself that can keep me interested at the same time. Nothing too violent, nothing too complex, nothing that requires reading (yet). I had purchased Dungeon Defenders long ago on Steam and never really got into it, but one Saturday morning I fired it up for him to try. He’d never played a 3rd person game before, and I was worried that he wouldn’t even be able to control it (I gave him the 360 controller, I used the keyboard and mouse). That worry was completely unfounded…