Tag Archives: I Beat a Game
I beat a game! XCOM: Enemy Unknown
I beat a game! Saints Row 2

Late last week I finished up Saints Row 2 in my march towards Saints Row IV on August 20. After seeing the credits roll, I can safely say that I’m glad that Saints Row 2 wasn’t my first Saints Row experience or I may not have ever played Saints Row: The Third at all. It’s not that Saints Row 2 is a bad game by any means – it’s actually pretty damn fun. Gameplay-wise, it’s much closer to Saints Row: The Third than the first one, and it’s also quite a bit easier than Saints Row 1. While I never considered quitting before finishing it out, the game certainly left a bad taste in my mouth by the end.
I beat a game! Saints Row 1

Thanks to the Giant Bombcast, I ended up playing Saints Row: The Third about a year ago during my usual “end of the year week off to play games and eat pizza and generally do nothing productive” winter break. The guys on the bombcast had really talked it up – so much so that I was sure it could never live up to the hype. As it turns out, it was everything they had said it was and it quickly rocketed to my favorite games of all time list.
Saints Row IV is coming out on August 20, and from the looks of it they’re bringing back a number of characters that were either not in Saints Row: The Third or were only there for a few minutes (I’m looking at you, Johnny Gat). While Saints Row isn’t *huge* on the story, I thought it’d be interesting to go back and play Saints Row 1 & 2 prior to IV coming out (yes, the official name of IV uses roman numerals, where 1 and 2 did not). Read on for my impressions…